random dungeon encounters

1d20 encounters
1 An adventurer that recently was caught in a bear trap through careless footing. If the party helps him out he can give them information about the adjacent rooms.
2 There is a pit in the middle of this room. It is 20ft deep. There is nothing at the bottom.
3 A stone statue of a pig-faced humanoid creature standing with a terrified expression and arms outstretched.
4 The ground is loose. If the gravel here is disturbed, a living crawling hand jumps out of the hole and attacks. This living hand has been hoarding rings and jewelry in this tunnel.
5 The floor in this room is covered in shattered glass. It would be extremely dangerous to sleep here.
6 A barren room with a standing mirror at one end. The mirror is cracked, it appears someone took an axe or sword to it some time ago, but the magical runes around it's edge still flicker faintly with power.
7 An empty room with the message "ABANDON ALL HOPE" written on the wall in 1d4 [Dwarven, Elven, Common, Halfling].
8 A gust of wind extinguishes candles, torches, and other open flames.
9 A colony of luminous mushrooms grows on the floor and walls.
10 A hoard of tarnished silver coins. If the coins are touched, they reveal themselves to be a swarm of tiny coin-sized mimics.
11 A chicken clucking and eating small bugs.
12 The skeletal remains of a(n) 1d4 [Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling] chained to the wall. It looks like it has been here for 1d6 years.
13 An armory with mostly rusted and unusable weapons, although there still appear to be 1d4 that may still be partially usable (-1).
14 An untouched 20lb block of cheese.
15 A large pit, filled at the bottom with spikes and scorpions. A sign is just visible on one side of the pit. A party member being dangled by their feet, can detect that the sign is upside down and says "LEARN THE WORDS".
16 This room seems to have at least 1 natural earthen wall. If closely examined, it appears to have a vein of coal.
17 1d4 [Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings] feel inexplicably uneasy here.
18 A room with two levers on the wall. An observant adventurer may notice trapdoors in the ceiling above each lever. Adjacent to each lever are signs that read "Fame", "Fortune". If one is pulled, the other locks permanantly. If Fame is pulled, the trapdoor above the lever opens dumping caustic acid in a 5' square, save vs Death. If Fortune is pulled, the trapdoor above the lever opens dumping 1000 copper coins onto their victim's head dealing 1d4 damage.
19 This room is full of old dusty wooden furniture. If searched, a cupboard contains a small leatherbound book titled "A PILGRIM'S JOURNEY TO KNIGHTHOOD". Reading this book from cover to cover takes 1d4 weeks and can only be done during down time. Upon completion of the book it will turn to ash and the reader will gain 1 random first level cleric spell, regardless of their class or level. The spell may be cast once per day. If the player already knows that spell, the book turns into a scroll conaining the spell instead.
20 A hole in the wall, about the height of human shoulders. There is something shiny on the deep end of the hole, however to reach that, you would have to reach inside, and it's deep enough to swallow your arm up he shoulder. If you reach inside, something bites you, causing 1d4 piercing damage. If you reach inside again, nothing bites you and you are free to take the shiny thing. It's a single goldpiece.