
The firmament from which all men are born, live, and die is an abnormal spheroid of water and soil spinning in a central orbit to an ancient sun. Beneath it's crust lie vast dark realms of the unknown. On its surface men of this place vary widely in appearance, culture, and religion. Little is known of the origin of this place's name just that despite their diversity, all men call it the same name: Sigg. As one on earth may refer to the earth so too do the people in Sigg refer to Sigg. Similarly as one on earth would refer to the world, those on Sigg refer to the Wheel of Sigg (or just "the Wheel") - that is the cosmological conceptualization of their abnormal spheroid of experiential reality. The Wheel is made of myth - magic, monsters, prophecies, and symbols. The Wheel is in a perpetual middle age, one where formational ancient origin and modern rationalism meet, churning through the cosmos alternating in different states of superiority. In other words, a setting inspired by western civilization's ancient history, middle ages, and early renaissance.


Several places may be mentioned throughout blog posts. Here are a few major locations.



appendix n

The creation of this campaign involved plumbing the depths of ancient history, reading fantastical literature, and finding thematic music. Below is some inspirational media to help get the player and Referee both in the mindset of the campaign.

