
the celestial bodies

the sun

A huge warm red ball that consumes the majority of the Siggian skyline. Due it its size, Udmox can often be seen skirting across its face during long summer days. The sun is associated with power, strength, war, warmth, summer, and happiness throughout most of the world. In the desert regions it is seen as an aggressive force and in colder regions as a life-giving force.


The moon of Sigg. Associated with water, quicksilver and secrets, she is a strong factor to consider. Her face changes on a 28 day cycle indicating birth and rebirth of plants, animals, and men. The elves have secret religious rites that wax and wane with the face of Udmox.

The stars

The key tool to help interpret the seeming chaos of the wheel. Some take their presence more or less seriously, arguing if they play a direct effect on people's lives.

the stars


Each star sign is associated with a month of the year. Those born in the month associated with a star sign are said to take on the properties typically associated with their sign. It is believed that you can resist the pull of your sign, but it will always be easier to fall into the direction the stars pull you.

Star Sign Patron Month Superstitions
Viper Naag January Those born beneath this sign are said to be brooding and tricky.
Witch The Crone Febuary Its said that if a family's firstborn is a female under this sign, she will be their first and last.
Mare Tomyris March Being born under this sign is an omen for animal affinity.
Bow Luck April Those born beneath the bow are said to always find what they are looking for.
Bull Molech May Many will sacrifice their young born beneath this sign, leaving them on rocks to die.
Ram Old-world Shepherds June The only sign the Old-world Shepherds birth under
Hare Biltham July The sign of fleet foot and flighty spirit
Beast Nod August A horrific sign, those born beneath it are believed to be untamed and wild.
Flame Hestia September Represents hard work, family, and warmth.
Warrior Abyssa October The sign of great kings.
Dagger Ares November Bestows great strength, but also a quickness of temper.
Herb Gaia December Those born beneath the sign are destined for serenity and growth.

"The plan of the gods are written in the immovable tablet of the sky. Look no further than the signs given to us by the Creator and be in awe at His foreknowledge." -- Excerpts from 'Secrets of the Stars', in the Scripta Rota.

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